Success Stories
“When I met Laura, I had been living with IBS for 30 years. My life was so limited. I could only eat about 10 foods, I was anxious to leave my house, and I couldn’t eat away from home. After just six months of simple dietary changes and several specific supplements, I am symptom free for the first time in my life. I can eat at my daughter’s house, enjoy my favorite foods, and don’t have to suffer with constipation or diarrhea anymore.
—J, 62 years old
“I used to suffer with alcoholism and severe depression. I was very, very adverse to taking pharmaceutical medications because of negative past experiences. I needed to do something though, because I had lost my home and custody of my kids. Laura was so kind and compassionate. We met for over an hour, and it was the first time I felt really seen and heard by a provider. She found the first medication that worked for me and my symptoms have been stable for over a year. I have an apartment and custody of both of my kids again, and am so happy!”
—L, 30
“When we adopted our daughter, we saw over six different providers for her behavioral issues and violent tantrums. Laura is the first doctor who seemed to listen and that made a difference with our daughter. Through our work together, she went from having daily violent aggressive tantrums, to being a normal eight year old.”
—Parents of S, 8
“After over 10 years of psychiatric care, Laura was able to help me get an accurate diagnosis. I had been treated for anxiety when I really had OCD. She helped to connect me with a therapist who could finally treat the OCD, and we used a combination of supplements and medication until my symptoms virtually disappeared.”
—P, 35
“I suffered for over five years with PMDD. After six months of working with Laura, I can happily say I am symptom free and no longer experience two weeks of hell every month.”
—H, 25
“I came to truly understand myself and went from being underwater to thriving with ADHD. She really got me and the behavioral changes we put into place saved my life.”
—P, 46